Car Service Original

Privacy policy Privacy policy

Co., Ltd. original planning (hereinafter referred to as `` our company '') recognizes the importance of protecting personal information of customers and observes the law on protection of personal information (hereinafter referred to as `` Personal Information Protection Law ''), In accordance with the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this privacy policy"), we will strive for proper handling and protection.

Definition of personal information

In this Privacy Policy, personal information is defined as the personal information defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Law, that is, information on living individuals, including the name, date of birth, Means that a specific individual can be identified by description, etc. (including those that can be easily compared with other information and thereby can identify a specific individual). You.

Purpose of use of personal information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

・To enable users to use this service smoothly

・To create statistical data on the use of this service

・To conduct a questionnaire regarding the currently provided service or the service that is considering providing in the future

・To respond to inquiries from users

・To notify by e-mail magazine etc. of information related to this service or advertising information etc. where a business other than our company becomes an advertiser

・To plan and provide new plans for this service in the future

・For lottery such as campaigns and shipment of prizes and products

・To confirm the identity of the user, such as when making inquiries from users

・In order to communicate as necessary such as other important notices regarding this service

Changing the purpose of using personal information

The Company may change the purpose of using personal information within a range that is reasonably deemed to have considerable relevance, and will notify or announce the change to the customer.

Restrictions on use of personal information

Unless permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations, we do not handle personal information without the consent of the customer and beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. However, this does not apply in the following cases.

・When based on laws and regulations

・When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer

・When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain customer consent

・When there is a need to cooperate with the national institution, local government, or a person commissioned by the government to carry out the work stipulated by laws and regulations, and with the consent of the customer, it will not be possible to carry out the work. When there is a risk of

Proper acquisition of personal information

We properly acquire personal information and do not acquire it by false or other unjust means.

Security management of personal information

We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information we handle, and to manage the security of personal information. In addition, when outsourcing the handling of personal information in whole or in part, the Company will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the security management of personal information at the outsourcer.

Third party offer

The Company does not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the customer, except when disclosure is permitted based on the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations. However, the following cases do not fall under the provision to the third party specified above.

・When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use

・When personal information is provided along with the succession of business due to mergers or other reasons

Disclosure of personal information

When the customer requests disclosure of personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, the Company will make sure that it is a request from the customer himself and disclose it to the customer without delay. (If the personal information does not exist, we will notify you.) However, this does not apply if the Company has no obligation to disclose it under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

Correction of personal information, etc.

If the customer requests correction, addition or deletion of the contents (hereinafter referred to as "correction, etc.") based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, because the customer is not true, After confirming that it is a request from the customer himself, we will conduct necessary investigations without delay within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and based on the result, correct the contents of personal information, etc. We will notify you to that effect (If you decide not to make any corrections, we will notify you to that effect). However, this shall not apply if the Company has no obligation to make corrections, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

Suspension of use of personal information

The Company shall not comply with the Personal Information Protection Law for reasons that the customer's personal information is handled outside the scope of the purpose of use announced in advance or that it was obtained by false or other unjust means. If the request for suspension or erasure (hereinafter referred to as “suspension, etc.”) is requested based on the provisions of the above, and the request is found to have a reason, the customer After confirming that it is a request, we will suspend the use of personal information without delay and notify the customer to that effect. However, this does not apply if the Company has no obligation to suspend use, etc. due to the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

Use of cookies and other technologies

Our services may use cookies and similar technologies. These technologies help us to understand the status of use of our services and contribute to improving our services. If you want to disable cookies, you can disable cookies by changing your web browser settings. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to use some functions of this service. The Company may place advertisements delivered from third parties on the Service. At that time, the third party may obtain the cookie information etc. of the user who has visited the service. The acquired cookie information, etc. will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the third party. Use of advertising information such as cookie information can be suspended. Cookies do not identify you or compromise your privacy.

Continuous improvement

The Company shall review the operation status regarding the handling of personal information as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement, and may change this Privacy Policy as necessary. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions, complaints, consultations, etc. regarding the handling of personal information in this service, please contact us through the inquiry form.

Established in 2020